Attorney Community


Join a Nationwide Network of Like-Minded Professionals

Whether you want to collaborate on topical and state-specific issues, ask document drafting questions, or partner with a peer, WealthCounsel’s robust community provides a valuable gathering place.

Virtual, Online Community

The WealthCounsel online community offers a tailored and personal experience where you can securely connect with other members, find answers to your questions, and share expertise and resources.

Community Computer

In-Person Networking

WealthCounsel hosts several events around the country each year, including state forum meetings and an annual symposium. No matter your preference, WealthCounsel offers a way to connect with your colleagues.


As a member, I have access to the knowledge, expertise and assistance of estate planning attorneys from virtually every specialty and jurisdiction. That reach is especially important now, when so many people have families all over the world and complex goals and family situations.

- - Michael Lichterman, ESQ.

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